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About The Author

       I am a Christian, and have been for more than forty years.

I have devoted my life to reading, studying, searching the scriptures, and living those years, to the best of my ability, the life that Christ has called me to live. Having been instructed by many well-known and respected ministers of the gospel, I became a Bible school teacher for cradle-roll to teenagers.  

I have also co-taught classes for women, single and single again.

I have spoken at our local ladies’ day programs. 

    My day begins with worship of the Father which includes singing,reading, searching the scriptures (reading) and praying. 

  I am mother to two adult children, two young adult grandchildren,

and am a retiree who lives the life God intended, and am living it to its fullest. 

 Each of the three (3) books I have penned were given to me by inspiration. I did not foresee myself being a writer of books. It was never in my plan, but quite often God shapes and/or tailors our lives to what he created us to be. Such is my life and I am so much the richer for it.
   It is my hope that each visitor to my website will be richly rewarded by God in some way.

Thank you for visiting and I hope you find something of interest that will enrich your life.


Blessings and Peace to each of you

                           Elizabeth Brown


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